The Cemetery of the Living
Largely crowded and overpopulated, Metro Manila serves as a beacon of hope & a promise for a better life for countless wandering hopefuls from near and distant provinces who travel by land or sea from among the Philippines’ countless. Urban development and planning failed to make headway since the Philippines’ capital region survived the destruction from the Second World War. Houses and commercial establishments bloomed in every remaining open space from then up to now. Families who can not afford decent housing built their makeshift shanties in private and government-owned lands, including riversides and for some even under the bridges.
For a handful of families, there are those who do not thread in fear nor fear the “wrath” of the dead and found a place to call home among and along with the crypts of the dead. In most places close to midnight, cemeteries are empty and barren places but in some cemeteries in Metro Manila, the living finds living in the dark corner alleys of these cemeteries.